Home » Nadia and Eric Suminto shine at Brisbane Piano Festival

Nadia and Eric Suminto shine at Brisbane Piano Festival

Jamie Furness    July 28, 2022    2 min read   

Forest Lake siblings Nadia and Eric Suminto achieved great results at the recent Brisbane Piano Festival.


14-year-old Nadia placed 3rd against four other competitors in the Opens Category for Grade 6 Piano and above at the June 19 event with the song “Cinema”, composed by Australian pianist Elena Kats-Chernin.


10-year-old Eric placed 3rd in the Grade 1-3 Piano category with “The Entertainer” against eight other competitors.


Eric and Nadia’s mother Ruth Suminto said both siblings played fantastically and impressed the judges with their entertaining performances.


“[Nadia] just finished Grade 5 and is learning to do Grade 6 exams, and the category was open for Grade 6 and above, so she was playing against other people that are higher grades than her,” she said.


“Her performance was fantastic – I think she performed the songs really well and really captivated the judges.”

Nadia has been playing the piano since she was in Prep. In primary school she represented St John’s Anglican College in piano solos at school eisteddfods and placed 1st in 2020, 2nd in 2019, 1st in  2018, and 1st in 2016 for piano solos. She also plays the Violin and is a member of the Strings Orchestra at St John’s.


Mrs Suminto said Eric played with great confidence and dynamics to provide an entertaining and well-delivered performance.


“[Eric] had just completed the Preliminary exam and he was competing in Grade 1-3, so there were other people that were above his grade level as well,” she said.


Nadia said she was surprised to receive 3rd place in the Opens category.


“My performance was quite upbeat and fast – I think it was quite entertaining,” she said.

Eric has been playing the piano since he was in Year 1, and he also plays the viola. He first competed at the Brisbane Piano Festival event in 2018 and won 1st place in the Novice category. Eric has also competed in the school Eisteddfods at St John’s, placing 1st in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Eric said it felt really good to come third in the Grade 1-3 category.


“I was quite surprised, because there were a few people in my competition that sounded better,” he said.


Nadia and Eric both take piano lessons at Sowing Music Studio with Hilaria Yeung and attend school at St John’s Anglican College.


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Jamie Furness