The last weekend of March this year is Easter. For most people, Easter is a four day weekend – so it’s a wonderful opportunity to rest at the end of the first quarter of the year.
Many people will take the time to see friends and family, and just generally recharge the batteries of our homes.
However, Easter is so much more than just a four day weekend.
As a Christian, Easter has a fair deeper and profound meaning for me.
Easter is, at its core, the festival celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the central moment and reason for the Christian faith itself.
Easter celebrates the moment when Jesus paid the price of humanity’s rejection of God and opened the way of forgiveness, eternal life and peace.
It marks God’s love for the world He created and the way He would redeem it.
Because of that, Easter will be celebrated across our community by Christians and churches over the weekend.
On the night before He was crucified, Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) Yet, that’s exactly what Christ did on Good Friday.
This Easter, I pray you have a restful and rejuvenating time. I also want to invite you to come along to one of the churches in our community to celebrate the historic, wonderful message of Easter.