December was a very busy month for the Centenary Evening VIEW club.
We wrapped lots and lots of Christmas presents for shoppers at Orion Shopping Centre. Most of our members volunteered to undertake up to four-hour shifts, with many doing a number of shifts over several days. This is another of our major fundraising activities and brings in thousands of dollars for The Smith Family. It is a great way to raise funds, we get to meet and chat to a variety of shoppers from far and wide. A very big thank you has to go to all our committed members who give up their time regularly to take part in fundraising activities.
Our monthly meeting in December was very much a party affair with entertainment from the committee and much festive cheer. Other highlights included a trip to one of the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Parties at City Hall, which everyone agreed was one of the best ever with excellent entertainment, food and fizz. Also, a group of us went to watch Agatha Christie’s The Verdict, performed by the Centenary Theatre Group, which was preceded, as always, by supper.
If you are not aware of VIEW, it is a national women’s volunteer organisation that exclusively supports the education of children through The Smith Family. We are connected by the common purpose to improve the lives of Australian students who are experiencing disadvantages. Thousands of women across Australia belong to VIEW, which stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women.
Joining VIEW is a great way to meet people, make connections and form lasting friendships. We gather monthly for our formal meeting which is followed by supper and a speaker. We do not meet in January so our next meeting will be in February. If you would like to attend, please contact Rita for more information on 0413 138 967. The cost of the meal at our meetings is $35 and booking is essential. Do make contact and find out more about us, you will receive a warm welcome.
Phone: 0419030852/0413138967
Facebook: Centenary Evening VIEW Club