Short Story Series

The Flair Writers Group…. Short Stories from The Flair Writer’s Group September

Megan Woolley October 5, 2022 3 min read 0

Short Stories from The Flair Writer’s Group By Tom Jones Tom had a head cold, which was strange because he had a temperature at the same time. Worst of all he couldn’t fully appreciate the aroma of his coffee.  wrirFrom behind him in the library came an alarming noise that sounded somewhat like a washing…


SHORT STORY – “Getting Published”

Jamie Furness June 29, 2022 3 min read 0

SHORT STORIES by the Forest Lake and Inala Writers Group.   Getting Published By Tom Jones I was awoken from my reverie by the secretary. ‘He can see you now Mr. Jones.’ She held her arm out like a signpost to the only other door in the room apart from the one from which I…