Our recent March meeting was well attended over a fabulous supper. Our guest speaker was one of our own members who talked about her experiences sailing in the Southern Ocean.
Our committee has pulled together an exciting and varied programme for 2024.
There is something for everyone at the Centenary Evening View Club, including walks, coffee meet ups, lunches, movies, concerts, and trips to places of interest.

VIEW stands for the Voice, Interests and Education of Women and is a national volunteer organisation, which provides opportunities for women from all walks of life to meet regularly, establish lasting friendships, and most importantly, to support disadvantaged children through The Smith Family charity.
A great way to meet us and find out more is to attend one of our dinner meetings. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, April 8 at Jindalee Bowls Club (our temporary home for a few months while Centenary Tavern is under renovations).
If you would like to attend, aim to arrive on or after 6:15 p.m. for a 6:30 p.m. start. You will receive a very warm welcome. The cost is $35 which includes dinner followed by a guest speaker.
Email: centenaryeveview@gmail.com
Phone: 0419030852/0413138967
Facebook: Centenary Evening VIEW Club