What is a village?

This month our church (Forest Lake Baptist Church) is having a service at the Lake Stage on October 8 to celebrate our 25th Anniversary as a constituted Queensland Baptist Church.
As we’ve prepared and advertised the service, it has been a real joy to hear from people who have been blessed by the army of people who have served our community through FLBC over the decades.
It reminds me again of the importance of community (a constant theme of this column) and the necessity for everyone’s household to be part of a ‘village.’
What do we mean by a ‘village’?
It’s that smaller, closely connected group of people where everyone is ‘known’ and ‘needed.’
If we are part of a group and are known but not needed, we’ve made it all about our own needs.
However, if we are needed but not known, it is impersonal and almost mechanical.
Rather, when we are fully known and fully needed, we are truly part of a village.
Jesus modelled the importance of a village. Though He ministered and served the masses and the crowd, He had His smaller group of disciples with whom Jesus did day-to-day life.
So, what is your family’s village? It may be a sports club or community group. It may be a Church. If you’d like to know more about the village of Forest Lake Baptist Church, come and see us sometime. We are better in community when we are known and needed.
Forest Lake Baptist Church is located at Kauri Place in Forest Lake. For more information, contact the church on 0403 772 990 or visit their website at flbc.org.au.