Home » FLSHS student excels with university head start

FLSHS student excels with university head start

The Lake News    July 18, 2024    2 min read   

By Jamie Furness

Forest Lake State High School student Reagan Nicol was so excited to experience university life that he quite literally couldn’t wait until he finished school.

The current Year 12 student has already completed two Head Start courses with the University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) and is on to his third.

He achieved a distinction in the first two psychology courses and has big dreams to go on to study a Master of Clinical Psychology with UniSQ as well.

“I was always interested in why humans do what they do; I just found it very interesting learning how the brain works and what the motivations are behind what people do,” Reagan said.

“First, I want to get my Master in Clinical Psychology, and from there I’ve got multiple plans in mind.

“I could try and open my own clinic, or perhaps during my studies, I could train to be a police officer. That way, when I graduate with the Masters, I would have done my police training, and I could apply to be a forensic or criminal psychologist.”

Forest Lake State High School student Reagan Nicol has completed two Head Start courses through UniSQ and is already on to his third.

Reagan has already shown he has the skills and the determination to make these ambitious dreams happen.

He has a study buddy and constant supporter in his mum, Katy, who is also studying psychology through UniSQ. His mum’s involvement in the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) was the catalyst for sparking his interest in the course.

“It all started with my mum – one day she started discussing some of her course content with me and it was just really interesting,” he said.

Recently his brother Cooper De Lacy also started a UniSQ Head Start course in Foundational Programming.

“I’d like to think I inspired him, but I believe he just listened to his heart and chose what he thought was right for him,” Reagan said.

The UniSQ Head Start program is an academic extension program for high achieving Year 10, 11 or 12 students to kickstart their uni degree early.

For more information visit the USQ Head Start webpage.

The Lake News

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