By Pat Parlane
Happy New Year! We are wishing everyone a great 2025.
We finished off the year with a great party at Forest Lake Hotel and enjoyed a lovely meal, lots of raffle and lucky door prizes, and a great duo that had most of us up dancing.
The week before a few of us went to the Queensland Council of Garden Clubs Christmas party and they had us making wreaths from a box of goodies on our table. We were allowed to visit other tables and beg or steal some of their decorations. Our table didn’t win but we had a lot of fun. We did, however, tie for the best Christmas Cracker joke on our table which was all about the telling and the loudest cheers from the table.
Not a lot is happening at this time of the year but our committee is busy planning speakers, bus trips and members’ open gardens plus a few other gardening related activities.
It’s been too hot to do much in the garden. The rain is helping the plants grow so we don’t have to spend time watering, but the weeds are growing faster so all you can do is try to keep them in check. Do a lap of the garden in the morning when it is still cool and then go back into the air conditioning if you are lucky enough to have it.
Happy gardening.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month with morning tea served at 9.30 am for a 10.00 am start at the National Servicemen’s Association Hall at 907 Boundary Road, Wacol (entrance off Metroplex Place and Nashos Place). We welcome visitors who may be interested in joining our very friendly club.
For further information please contact Margaret on 0407 134 412 or Ada 0413 975 748.