Home » Forest Lake Area Garden Group

Forest Lake Area Garden Group

Guy Hazlewood    May 15, 2024    2 min read   

My favourite time of the year – winter – is here!  We are so spoiled in Brisbane – it doesn’t get that cold, and the skies are usually clear blue.  

It is a great time to get out in the garden and do some maintenance.  Cutting back all the growth that the summer rains have generated is probably the main task.  This will be made easier if you have deciduous plants as you can see the structure more easily.  

Then, after weeding and a general tidy-up, you can dig in some compost and mulch ready for the spring planting and summer heat, which arrives all too soon.

If you want a drive into the country then the Esk Garden Fair is on Saturday June 15. There are lots of stalls bursting with plants and associated garden products. Always a good day out!

Recently a number of our FLAGG members went on a National Seniors bus trip to the Hunter Valley, and one of the highlights was a trip to the Hunter Valley Gardens.  

It’s well worth a visit if you are heading down that way.  

As it was the school holidays, they had a wonderful display of giant dinosaurs, butterflies and other creatures scattered throughout, all with motion sensors to hiss, roar or flap their wings when you approached.  You didn’t need to be a kid to enjoy them.

Happy gardening.

Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month with morning tea served at 9.30 am for a 10.00 am start.  The venue is the National Servicemen’s Association Hall at 907 Boundary Road, Wacol (entrance off Metroplex Place and Nashos Place).  We welcome visitors who may be interested in joining our very friendly club.  

For further information please contact Jill on 0403 002 143 or Pat on 0438 727 482.

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Guy Hazlewood