Home » Forest Lake Men’s Shed

Forest Lake Men’s Shed

Guy Hazlewood    May 28, 2024    1 min read   

We are still restoring garden benches, so if anyone has any to donate let us know.

We are also making street libraries for the local area, and soon making book stands for the Kiwanis group, so we are keeping busy.

Along with sharpening scissors, secateurs and knives, our members are still doing art on Mondays and Thursdays and cards on Tuesdays and Fridays, so there is something for most members to enjoy.

If you are interested in joining us, come down and have a chat and see what we do. You can do your own projects or get involved in ours. 

We are open from Monday to Friday,  8am to 12 noon, so come and have a chat or coffee – we don’t bite!

You can visit us at 25 High Street, Forest Lake, or contact Steve on 0421 520 804.

You can also find us on Facebook via facebook.com/Forest-Lake-Mens-Shed-Inc.

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Guy Hazlewood