2024 year was another good one for the club with many new members joining. As can be expected, some members departed the club either through relocations inter or intra state to be with family, left to try new experiences or reached their end of life on this earth. That’s life and we all come and go for our own reasons, and there’s nothing wrong or unusual about that.
This year we ventured locally, further afield and even overseas.
We are “twinned in spirit” with the Lochaber Probus Club in Fort William, Scotland. That club only has about 15 members and is slowly growing but it is good to share experiences and stories. We hoped to meet up with their President, David Anderson, in Edinburgh this year, but due to his ill health at that time it was not possible. There will be another opportunity in August 2025.
Forest Lake Probus Club members continue to enjoy outings, coffees and chats, meals at local restaurants and other activities.
Although not a large group compared with some other Probus clubs, the Forest Lake Probus Club continues to provide comfort, fun, fellowship and friendship for around 50 members.
We understand that not all clubs or other groups are ideal for everyone, and many of our members are also members of other community groups, but we have many long-time members. This shows that we are doing some things right.
If you are looking for something different, why not give us a try. See our website at forestlakeprobus.com for details and contacts.
By Stephen Hislop.