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Forest Lake Richlands Scout Group

The Lake News    July 28, 2024    3 min read   

By Tania McLaughlin

As the weather cools and we start heading more to the end of the year than the beginning, our Scouts have been so busy we are barely noticing the time pass.

Since we last caught up, the Joeys have continued on with their alphabet themed programs including an “M” themed camp, which coincidentally occurred over the Mother’s Day weekend. 

We did mapping activities, made Mother’s Day macrame gifts, learned how to light matches and make muffins on the campfire, played marbles and ‘Mother, May I?’ and much more. The older sections joined us on this camp, making it even more memorable. 

Following our camp, the Joeys had a N for No Joeys week, so they joined the other youth members and had a quiet movie night while the parents attended our Annual Report Presentation meeting. We are happy to announce that Krystal and Danielle have returned to their roles as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. O was for Opposites, where the Joeys put their clothes on backwards, wrote backwards and wrong handed and played games backwards.  When it came to our P night, the Joeys advised that P is for Pizza. We had actually planned a P for Planning night to fine tune their upcoming Adventurous Journey, so combined the two and had pizza while planning.  We couldn’t plan around Benji getting sick, so only Felix completed his Journey that weekend. Luckily Benji recovered in time to make our Q for Queenslander night (coincidentally on Origin 1 night), where some of the older Joeys (Scouts/Vennies) volunteered to give us a hand with football drills and a quick match.  

Our cubs focus was on fun, with a sensory night, a pizza cooking night and Bring a Friend night keeping them busy. Caitlin also completed the planning for her Adventurous Journey and completed this with the support of some of her fellow Cubs and our Scout Dakota.  

Following camp and movie night, our older sections attended a first aid day with the adult members to update their qualifications, then had a dance night learning some old styled dancing before starting their new projects for their Special Interest Area badges.  They managed to build two new wheeled trays, allowing us easier access to the boxes of sporting gear stored under the stage. They also started restoration work on our old Scout trailer (used to transport equipment to camp) as it is starting to show its age. While our Scouts have had previous experience with woodwork, metalworking is new, so there was some training needed to use grinders and power sanders to start prepping the trailer ready for repainting.  I’m sure it will look great once it’s completed.  

Scouts always offer a wide variety of activities from outdoor to learning new skills.  Contact us via our Facebook page or phone 0402 308 182 to find out how you can get your family into Scouting.

The Lake News

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