Forest Lake Shopping Centre will launch its first Jobs Fair next week, a new initiative offering prospective candidates the opportunity to access local and regional jobs, to support local employment in the lead-up to Christmas.
The centre will host the Jobs Fair recruitment drive from Wednesday 17 August – Saturday 20 August, providing local job seekers access to genuine employment opportunities across full-time, part-time and casual roles.
Applicants can explore roles within the Forest Lake Shopping Centre and the local area, including national fashion and lifestyle brands through to local food and beverage vendors.
Key retailers including Nando’s, Ally Fashion, Lowes, Lovisa and more will be among those looking for staff at the major recruitment events from Wednesday 17 August – Saturday 20 August.
In partnership with Busy at Work and I Care Support Services, the Jobs Fair will connect local people with a range of prospective jobs and provide access to a suite of virtual and on-site recruitment support services.
Services will include professional headshots, workplace training certification consultations and jobs advocate support services.

Forest Lake Shopping Centre Retail Manager, Farah Abidi, said the event comes at a crucial time for the centre’s retail and hospitality partners who are seeking new hires ahead of the year’s busiest retail period.
“We’re excited to invite the community to our Jobs Fair, where we’re able to provide a local platform to help job-seekers connect with prospective employers across our renowned portfolio of brands,” Ms Abidi said.
“By hosting a Jobs Fair here at Forest Lake Shopping Centre, we are able to support local retailers and businesses within the community and region as we know they have a significant number of vacancies to fill.”
The full Forest Lake Shopping Centre Jobs Fair schedule is outlined below.
Professional Headshots
Thursday 18 August
12pm – 4pm
- Jobs Fair, outside Coles
Retailer Job interviews
Face-to-face interviews
Wednesday 17 August, 10am – 4pm
- Nandos
- Scene To Believe
- Lovisa
Thursday 18 August, 10am – 7pm
- Nandos
- Scene To Believe
- Lovisa
Friday 19 August, 10am – 4pm
- Nandos
- Ally Fashion
- Lowes
Saturday 20 August, 10am – 2pm
- Nandos
- Lowes
Located outside Coles. New opportunities will be provided daily – bookings are essential.
Forest Lake Shopping Centre Jobs Fair will conduct in-person interviews, with applicants encouraged to register via the pre-booking system to guarantee their interview time slot.
Walk-ins will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Access to virtual jobs boards will be available for candidates unable to physically attend an interview.
For more information on Forest Lake Shopping Centre Jobs Fair, please visit