It’s been fantastic to spend time in my community. Recently I held mobile offices at Inala Plaza, Richlands Woolworths, and Forest Lake Shopping Village. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to show their support.
I heard a lot of great feedback for our cost-of-living support package. It’s amazing to see that our targeted support is having a positive impact in our community, helping to ease the national cost of living pressures.

While at Inala Plaza, I picked up a poppy to support veterans and their families during Remembrance Day. Thank you to Kevin from the Forest Lake RSL, and all the volunteers around Queensland helping with this year’s Poppy Appeal Fundraiser.
I am excited to announce a $2 million boost to school food programs. My government is committed to supporting healthy eating in Queensland schools and reducing the cost of living for families.
We are proud of the work that state schools and their communities are doing to provide food support, including breakfast programs, to their students. We know that healthy eating can have a positive impact on a student’s performance at school. That’s why we are investing in new and improved tuckshops and food programs across the state.

This initiative will help 861 state schools to establish new food programs or enhance existing programs, with a focus on schools with the highest level of need. Local schools receiving this funding include Inala State School, Serviceton South State School, Western Suburbs State Special School, Durack State School, Richlands East State School, Forest Lake State High School and Glenala State High School.
In November , Year 12s walked through the school gates for the final time. I joined the students at Forest Lake High to celebrate their special day. Wherever in Queensland you’re graduating – enjoy it. And be proud of what you’ve achieved. I can’t wait to see what you all do next.
It was with deep sadness that I heard the news of the passing of my friend, Bill Hayden.
Bill Hayden was a Labor Party giant who epitomised, espoused, and lived by true Labor morals and values. First as a police officer, then Member of Parliament, he dedicated his life to community, public service, and the electorate of Oxley he served for 27 years.
Bill rose from humble beginnings to become Treasurer and Minister for Social Security, in the Whitlam Cabinet, overseeing some of the nation’s biggest social reforms. Introducing the single mother’s pension and Australia’s first universal health insurance scheme, Medibank.
He was Opposition Leader, then Foreign Affairs Minister under Prime Minister Hawke, and later, Governor-General from 1989-95. Bill Hayden was revered in the Labor movement and Queensland generally. I extend our government’s sympathy and support to wife, Dallas, and the Hayden family.