Home » From the desk of Annastacia Palaszczuk – Cost of living, Energy Rebates, and International Women’s Day

From the desk of Annastacia Palaszczuk – Cost of living, Energy Rebates, and International Women’s Day

Jamie Furness    March 27, 2023    3 min read   

I’m committed to continuing to provide support to deal with the cost of living. I’m happy

to announce that households will receive a power rebate of more than $175 to help put

downward pressure on power bills in the next financial year.

This is on top of the $575 in energy rebates already provided to households made possible

by keeping our energy assets in public hands.

The State Government has a range of concessions and discount to help deal with the costs

of everyday life.

I am encouraging families to check their eligibility for free or cheaper kindy; discounted

public transport fares for children and students; up to $317 per student per year towards

textbook costs; rental bond loans for private rental accommodation; rental security subsidy

for temporary help to pay for a current or new housing tenancy; and fee-free TAFE.

Seniors may be eligible for up to $200 a year off local government rates; up to $362.20 a

year off electricity bills; up to $120 a year off water costs; discounted public transport travel;

cheaper car and boat registration; and up to $500 a year per household through Home

Assist Secure for household maintenance to help older Queenslanders and people with

disability to remain living in their own homes.

Find out what you’re eligible for by visiting www.concessionsfinder.services.qld.gov.au.

International Women’s Day

The 2022 Annual Queensland Women’s Statement and the 2022 Gender Equality Report

Cards have been released, highlighting many positive steps forward for women.

In 2022, we provided free period products to students in Queensland state and non-state

schools via the installation of Dignity Vending Machines, including at Forest Lake State High

School; awarded 50% of scholarships to the newly-created Queensland Academy of Sport

Generation 2032 Elite Coaching program to emerging female coaches; and delivered

respectful relationships education in all Queensland schools. But we still have work to do.

I was so proud to be able to join some of the inspiring women representing the Inala

Electorate at the UN Women Australia International Women’s Day 2023 Brisbane Lunch in

March. In my speech, I mentioned the March4Justice rallies two years ago, when Australian

women showed the world what we’re made of and said ‘enough is enough’. A decade of

escalating sexism brought women – and men – onto the streets in a way I will never forget.

Wherever women are denied basic human rights ALL women should join the fight.

There can be no equality until ALL women are equal and free. Maintain Your Rage.

If you have questions or need assistance regarding any State Government matter, please

contact me at the Inala Electorate Office on 3737 2100.

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Jamie Furness