We have got off to a great start for the year at Girl Guides. The girls have come up with some fabulous ideas for the term and we’re looking forward to putting their ideas into action.
We had a great time last Friday making sun catcher hearts. We will be finishing off this craft next week and can’t wait to see how well they work and cast beautiful colours into the girls’ bedrooms or wherever they choose to hang them.
We also started off our tiny felt pillow hearts. This will challenge the girls’ hand sewing abilities but I’m sure they will turn out great.
We also have first aid skills to brush up on, making our own Be Prepared kits, learning more about Guiding from around the World, serving our community by taking part in Clean up Australia Day, more craft and many girls have decided they would like to earn the animals badge, physical badge and some girls wanting to work on their Junior BP and BP Awards.
We have a great full day canoeing trip at the end of the term to look forward to also. With girls and leaders who are so enthusiastic and want to do so much, guiding is always fun and adventurous! Our region team has also put together some great optional activities such as camps for high school age girls, overnight adventures, an arts camp for younger Guides, weekend hiking expeditions and much more!
We’ve had a lot of enquiries about how to join Guides. Please visit our Facebook or Webpage for further details or email us at forest.lake.girl.guides@gmail.com. As usual you’re welcome to come along for four standard meetings (not excursions) for free to Give Guiding a Go.
If you’re eligible part of your membership can be paid with the Qld Gov Fair Play vouchers and the current round is now open.
Hope to see you soon!
By Lisa Charman