Community groups can apply for a share of $400,000 with the next round of the Better Suburbs Grants, Community Support Category, now open

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said groups could apply for up to $10,000 to deliver new projects and improve their facilities.
“Brisbane has an incredible outdoor lifestyle, and our community and sports groups play a vital role in enhancing this,” he said.
“The grant provides critical funds for new equipment, upgrades to clubhouses and sports grounds.”
The Durack Inala Bowls Club made use of their grant last year, purchasing a brand new bowling green mower and groomer.
Cr Schrinner said the first round of the year for this grant program would assist clubs as they continue to battle rapidly rising costs.
“We’re seeing prices rise across the board and our hard-working community clubs struggle to battle these cost blows,” he said.
“Every dollar saved by sports clubs can be reinvested into services that benefit our community.
“Previous applicants have used funding to install shade shelters and air-conditioning, undertake repairs to their clubhouses and renovate hard courts and bowling greens.
“I’m committed to supporting our incredible community clubs and I encourage them to apply.”
Applications for the Better Suburbs Grants Community Support Category close on 29 April 2024.
For more information, search ‘Better Suburbs Grants’ at