A precious soul has entered into eternity. You have been asked to write their eulogy. Below are some pointers by Swanborough Funerals to assist you in telling their life story.
- Birth details: date and place of birth, parents and siblings.
- Growing up years – especially schooling or favourite past times as a child, including sports played, hobbies, favourite pets, memorable childhood moments and other stories.
- Employment: occupations, accomplishments, awards, values.
- Marriage years: when and where marriage took place and how the couple met.
- Details of children, their spouses and grandchildren and memorable family moments. Values, favourite sayings and character qualities.
- Favourite pastimes, hobbies or other accomplishments.
- What they would like to be remembered for, and life lessons to be passed on.
Other Ideas:
- What made this person unique?
- What things were they passionate about?
- What difference did they make to the lives around them?
- Let the life story be a reflection of their character, and remember to tell a few stories and jokes if they enjoyed a little humour.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
- Remember the golden rule of public speaking or writing: most importantly keep it simple, and don’t stress about being grammatically correct when writing the eulogy.
Don’t hesitate to contact Swanborough Funerals on 1800 100 411 if we can be of any assistance to you.