Is Christmas concerning you? Look to the birds.
Let’s face it – Christmas is coming. This time of year is busy and chaotic, with crowded schedules, and many things to organise. We have a lot to worry about – whether that’s changes in jobs and living arrangements, or simply what we will put on the table on December 25th. Taking a wide view of the world also opens our eyes to the worries of global crises like climate change and the housing shortage.
Life is full of worries that can consume us and wake us up regularly at 2 am in the morning. How can we handle these concerns without letting them consume us? In the case of serious mental health conditions we should certainly seek professional medical advice. But even for everyday worries, ancient wisdom offers a refreshing perspective. In the Sermon on the Mount (in the Bible, the book of Matthew chapters 5 – 7), which contains some of Jesus’ most famous teachings, there’s a surprising call not to worry. Jesus uses vivid examples from nature – birds that don’t stress about food and flowers that flourish without effort—to illustrate his point: “Worrying doesn’t add a single hour to your life.” In other words, while life will always present challenges, the act of worrying in itself doesn’t solve them.

Photo by Elena G, Unsplash.
However, this isn’t a call to complacency. It’s not like the “Hakuna Matata” philosophy from The Lion King—where you escape responsibilities and avoid life’s problems. Jesus very much taught us to lean into life’s difficult spaces, to do what’s right and work hard serving others. But rather than getting lost in worry, we are encouraged to take action where we can, and when it comes to the rest, to simply have faith.
In a world that often feels out of control, this age old-wisdom reminds us that while we can’t change everything, we can change how we respond.
Community Life Uniting Church invites the community to the following Christmas services:
Blue Christmas: a quiet service for anyone grieving or hurting at Christmas time: Thursday December 19 at 6:30pm
Christmas Eve Carols: Tuesday December 24. Sausage sizzle at 5:00 pm, singing at 6 pm.
Christmas Day: Wednesday December 25.Service at 8am
Forest Lake Shops
Santa Photography
Whether it’s baby’s first Christmas, family tradition