What a night was had! 30 years in the making. The Lions Club of Forest Lake turned 30 this month, with members past and present, friends, councillors and district representatives all in attendance.
The night was officiated by our current President Lion Linda, who was the club’s first President 30 years ago. So many things have changed over the years but one thing that hasn’t is our passion for helping in the Forest Lake community. From babies and children, men and women of all ages, community groups, Lions Australia and Lions International projects, there is nothing that our wonderful team of committed volunteers won’t tackle.

We are always looking for new projects and new ways to help those in the community, so please get in contact with Lion Linda Paton – lindapaton@optusnet.com.au with your suggestions.
A couple of reminders as we come into the festive season – Lions Christmas Cakes and Puddings will be on sale again this year, available every day at Crossacres Garden Centre or by contacting Lion Linda Paton. 1kg cakes $16, 1.5kg cakes $20, 1kg puddings $16 get in early so you don’t miss out.
Finally, you still have time to receive your letter from Santa. Send your lists and letters to PO Box 4234, Forest Lake, 4078, with a self-addressed envelope and our Lions will ensure that the big man responds.
Have you ever considered volunteering, but weren’t sure where to start?
The Lions Club of Forest Lake has been a positive force for change in the local community for 30 years and we’re now inviting you to be a part of that journey.
Lions catch up multiple times a month for service to the community as well as fun and fellowship.
Just this last month, our Lions have undertaken community BBQs, monthly dinner meetings and hosted a very (non) competitive games night.
Get in contact with our Membership Chairman – Stuart Grierson (lionstuartg@gmail.com) if you would like to know more.