Home » Local author chronicles stories of Forest Lake RSL Sub Branch veterans in new book

Local author chronicles stories of Forest Lake RSL Sub Branch veterans in new book

Guy Hazlewood    April 22, 2024    2 min read   

Forest Lake

Brian Robertson, a member of the Forest Lake and Districts RSL Sub-branch, has immortalised the experiences of eighteen local veterans in his latest book, Voices of Australian Veterans.

Brian Robertson (left) with George Churchward and Alan Greig. Source: Forest Lake RSL Sub Branch

Brian’s work serves as a tribute to the rich tapestry of military service within the Forest Lake community, spanning across generations and conflicts from World War II to Vietnam.

Recognising the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the veterans within the RSL Sub-branch, Brian diligently compiled their accounts over the past seven years, capturing their personal reflections and anecdotes.

In Voices of Australian Veterans, each veteran’s story is presented with meticulous detail, offering readers a firsthand glimpse into their thoughts, emotions, and experiences during their time in service.

“What makes this book different from most other books about military memoirs is that these guys tell the story in the first person,” he said.

“It makes a huge difference to the story, making it more realistic and allowing readers to connect with the personalities behind the narratives.”

The accounts within the book not only delve into the wartime experiences of the veterans, but also shed light on their lives before and after their service.

From anecdotes about everyday life both in and out of the military to reflections on post-service employment and community integration, the narratives capture the resilience and resourcefulness of the individuals.

Drawing on his own experiences and interactions within the RSL Sub-branch, Brian weaves a narrative that celebrates the camaraderie and spirit of the veterans.

“These veterans are not just soldiers; they are members of our community who have contributed in various ways,” Brian said.

“Their stories highlight the importance of service, resilience, and the bonds forged in times of adversity.”

With painstaking effort over seven years, Brian has crafted a collection that pays homage to the courage and sacrifice of Forest Lake’s veterans and hopes that their voices continue to resonate for years to come.

“I just want the book to outlast me for a few years after I kick the bucket,” he said.

Voices of Australian Veterans can be purchased online from Booktopia.

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Guy Hazlewood