By Corin Mackay
Last month a petition was posted on the Forest Lake Facebook page asking members to sign their names in support of a new set of traffic lights on the Johnson Road and Woogaroo Street intersection.
Organised by Hamish Krammer, the petition was started as a result of the frequent crashes that occur on the intersection in early morning and late afternoon traffic.
“We are petitioning the BCC and Dept of Main Roads to take action at the intersection of Woogaroo Street and Johnson Road at Forest Lake,” the petition reads.
“This intersection is one lane with a speed limit of 80kph, where vehicles turning into Woogaroo street have to stop and wait to turn.
“This year already there have been three serious accidents, with upwards of 40 accidents last year, including fatalities.”
The petition explains that with the addition of more housing and development in the area, the amount of traffic using these roads and this intersection had increased.
“We are asking for additional lanes to be added on both Johnson Road and Woogaroo street, including dedicated turning lanes, and the addition of traffic signals.”
Forest Lake community members have widely agreed with the petition, and as of June 12, it had just under 2000 signatures.
“I actively avoid this intersection if turning right onto Johnson from Woogaroo. Too dangerous if you are there at the wrong time of day,” Danelle Clapham said.
“It’s an alarmingly dangerous spot, I hate having to travel that way, requesting lights only prevents accidents and harms no one,” Rikki Sunshine said.
“I’ve personally witnessed several accidents over the last two years. And I don’t use that intersection that much. It needs traffic lights. Period,” Craig Meyer said.

Some people said traffic lights would not be necessary, with one user commenting that a roundabout instead of lights would be a better decision.
A poll hosted on the Forest Lake Community Facebook page allowed users to express their experience with the intersection.
Of the 505 users that had voted as of the 17th of June at 12.30pm, 61% said that they had been stuck at the Johnson Road and Woogaroo Street intersection and agree that it is dangerous, 22% said they avoid it all together, and 11% did not think the intersection was that dangerous.
Councillor Charles Strunk of the Forest Lake Ward also supports an upgrade to the intersection.
“As the local Councillor and local resident, I agree with locals that safety is a priority and we need traffic lights installed,” he said.
“Brisbane City Council has the intersection on a list for upgrade, however the funding for this is against other capital road work projects across Brisbane.
“I have requested for a number of years in my budget submission to the LNP Lord Mayor of Brisbane Adrian Schrinner and his Schrinner Administration to fund the traffic lights on Johnson road and Woogaroo street.
“Community pressure also needs to continue to show the Lord Mayor that the community is backing the necessary upgrades.”