Home » Mens Shed

Mens Shed

The Lake News    January 24, 2024    1 min read   

At the shed we are continuing as usual, with members coming for many different reasons, but mainly for good company and friendship.

We have made possum boxes and continue on restoring garden benches along with the recycling of cans and bottles. We are kept busy – we are now also collecting the ring pulls from cans which get sold to raise money for wheelchairs for disabled people, so remember to pull off the ring pulls and drop them at the shed.

As always if you’re a male looking for an outlet for company, we have lots for guys to do or just sit down and have a coffee and a chat. 

For information contact Steve on 0421 520 804, or drop in at 25 High St Forest Lake from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 12 noon. 

Amanda Jones, Unsplash

The Lake News

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