We had our final meeting for 2023 in November and were so very fortunate to have Lieutenant Colonel Shaun Richards as our guest speaker.
His presentation was based on Remembrance Day (from Gallipoli to Afghanistan) and he shared his 35 years military career details with our members.

We thanked him and his wife Patricia for attending and wished them well in whatever future plans they have.
The new committee has settled in well and is very keen to welcome in 2024 with the first meeting on Thursday 8 February 2024.
The calendar for February through to July has been completed and everyone is looking forward to yet another great year. Why don’t you put the date on your 2024 calendar and come along as our guest and find out more about the great many benefits of membership of National Seniors.

National Seniors Forest Lake was honoured to place a wreath at the Remembrance Day Service at the Lake in recognition of the sacrifices made by our men and women in the different theatres of war.
At the end of November we have the very popular Branch Christmas Lunch with 80 plus members and guests booked in at the Gailes Golf Club, where all could enjoy a delicious festive meal with great entertainment and fantastic prizes.
We wish to thank Heritage Bank, Richlands Hotel and our Federal, State and Forest Lake Ward politicians for their financial support throughout 2023.
If you are interested in joining a fun-loving community group with lively meetings and great activities then please contact our president, Brian, on 3879 9332 for more information. Meetings are held at the Hotel Richlands, 132 Government Road Richlands. Ample parking also at the rear of the hotel. Arrive at 9.30am. A modest $8 entry fee includes morning tea. The date for the February 2024 meeting is Thursday 8, and we will have a guest speaker at this meeting.
Best wishes to everyone for the Festive Season.