By Peter Dunell
In late April our group visited the Awassi Cheesery outside Grantham, to enjoy some dairy products made from sheep milk. National Seniors Forest Lake commemorated ANZAC Day along with many of the residents and community groups in the area. It was very encouraging to see the number of young people present ensuring the future of remembrance of our fallen. The branch continues to provide essential information to our senior membership through relevant speakers in the health, well-being and aged care areas of interest. Our last meeting dealt again with Aged Care entitlements at home and the perspectives from different providers.
May will still provide some of this information but from the perspective of caring for someone with a disability. On the lighter side our Activities Group has organized a Glitz and Glamor party to assist a charity as well as a day trip away visiting Op shops in the suburb of Wynnum. All for a good cause, so our ladies tell me.

The National Seniors Head Office continues to send out helpful information through their newsletter, to assist members in meeting the ever-increasing cost of living. You can avail yourself of all these benefits by joining your local branch and paying a small yearly subscription.
The Forest Lake Branch meets every second Thursday of the month, except December and January, at the Hotel Richlands, 132 Government Road, Richlands. Access to the hotel is at 9.30 am for a meeting that starts at 10 am. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Peter on 0404829518.