Home » Pillowcases for Oncology Kids (P4OK)

Pillowcases for Oncology Kids (P4OK)

Corin Mackay    September 5, 2023    2 min read   

By Jill Nason

We are a group of ladies who sew novelty pillowcases to be given to children undergoing oncology treatment in the Children’s Hospital.

We have been running for over 10 years in Forest Lake.

We are generously supported by the Forest Lake branch of the Heritage Bank who give us grants so we can purchase the materials to sew. 

Lately a couple of the ladies have had to drop out, and we are looking for anyone who might be interested in joining this charity. 

Photograph of some of the pillowcases washed and hung to dry before being ironed.
Photograph of some of the pillowcases washed and hung to dry before being ironed.

We purchase the fabric from a warehouse and cut it into the lengths required after which our lovely ladies are notified it is ready to collect and they take as many as they want to sew. 

We use patterns suitable for babies all the way through to children in their teens.

There is no pressure, and the ladies usually have a couple of months to process them.

We have a couple of ladies who wash and iron them ready for packing.  

After that we get together at my home for morning tea and a chat and pack the pillowcases into clear bags, so the children can see the patterns and choose the one they like.

I then take them to the Children’s Hospital.

The hospital staff have often told us how much having a special pillowcase means to the children. 

If you are interested in joining this charity or you would like more information please feel free to contact me on 0416 076 488 or email me at jillnason.email@gmail.com

Corin Mackay