Home » Program brings hope for depression and anxiety sufferers

Program brings hope for depression and anxiety sufferers

Jamie Furness    June 21, 2022    3 min read   

Did you know that there is a new program starting soon in Greenbank that has a more than 90% success rate in helping people be free from their depression and anxiety? 

The Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program (DARP), is an internationally renowned 8 week program created by Dr Neil Nedley, with many Forest Lake success cases. 

Take for example, retired Forest Lake Policeman Ted, who struggled with alcohol addiction to cope with the traumatic events he experienced in the force which led him to a deep depression.

“I had made up my mind to end my life. That day I was contacted by one of the DARP course leaders and they immediately saw my need,” Ted said.

“In the program I found the ABCDE technique of turning my negative thinking around to be one of the most useful tools. After about 20 weeks with my Dr’s advice I was free from depression medication.”

“I have now gone on to overcome my dependence on alcohol and its control of my life as well.”

Ted says the group environment of the program provides an added source of motivation. 

“I would have never done it on my own but with the support of the group I had the encouragement to try all of the techniques,” he said.

Many program participants become coaches after going through the program to help people like themselves.

“I am now a DARP Program Leader helping others be free from depression like I continue to be,” Ted said.

Ted’s case is not uncommon. One in six people visiting a doctor in Australia are suffering from depression or anxiety and 1 in 3 people will experience prolonged grief and anxiety which can lead to major depression.

Construction Project Scheduler and Supervisor, Chemath from New Beith found the program helpful for his anxiety.

“My anxiety was out of control to the point that I was completely negative about almost everything in my life,” Chemath said. 

“So much so, that I had convinced myself I was about to be fired, was hopeless at my job so I should quit.” 

But then Chemath enrolled in the program and was given tools to combat his anxious thinking patterns.

“I learned to spot my “stinking thinking” and apply Truth Therapy to put my worries into perspective,” Chemath said.

“My boss is very happy with my work and I am back contributing to the team, happy at work and have strategies to apply each time the negative thinking starts again.

“My family can’t believe the change.” 

The next Greenbank DARP program will begin with a free information evening at 6:45 pm on Tuesday July 12, at the Park Ridge Men’s Shed and Community Centre.

The program will run each Tuesday evening for 8 weeks. Call Kim on 0467 299 575 for details.

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Jamie Furness