We find ourselves at the end of another year that has flown by so quickly, with so much packed into it.
Our Joey Scouts continued their term theme of holidays and festivals, learning the origins of Thanksgiving, making thanksgiving pizzas and playing games, before making Christmas craft and exploring some Christmas traditions.
The older sections were all about keeping cool and chilling out with water fights, visits to the ice-skating rink and relaxed nights playing their instruments and eating pizza. We welcomed a few new members and sadly said farewell to a few who are moving on or moving away.
Our final event of the year was our badge presentation night and Christmas party. We congratulate all youth members who have achieved goals this year, in particular Hunter who was presented with this Queen Scout award. We also had awards to hand out to our adult helpers. Congratulations to our adult helper Mandy Louda (Possum) on your 2 year recognition, Cub Leader Baloo (Dakotah Newell) on your 5 year recognition, Treasurer Krystal Smith (Koala) on 5 years recognition and Joey Scout Leader Mikaylah McLaughlin (Maggi) on 10 years.

Although this is the end of activities for youth, our adult helpers still have a few fundraising events such as a gift wrapping stall at the Forest Lake Village, and Bunnings BBQs to help raise funds for major events coming up, including a Longreach trip and Australian Jamboree 2025.
We wish everybody a safe and happy holiday break and look forward to another fun, adventurous and packed year in 2024.