By Tania McLaughlin
The Scouts, Leaders and Executive Committee of Richlands – Forest Lake Scout Group have given 100% over the past 12 months are keen to renew our enthusiasm for the year ahead.
Throughout December, as our youth members deal with the end of school and the parents start planning their holiday break, we understand that people can get overloaded and try to offer a space where they can destress and just have fun.
A lot of times this involves food – making it, judging it or just sharing a meal and catching up.
Our older Scouts made pizza, enjoyed a night out dining in the dark, joined the younger sections for milk carton hot dogs, and had fun making Christmas treats such as White Christmas.
They also pulled apart broken appliances during their deconstruction night and enjoyed a night paddle at Shorncliffe.
As our youth enjoy water, many of our leaders participated in a Basic Water Rescue course to update their qualifications around water activities.
Joeys prepared for a day on the water by completing the planning portion of their OAS Paddling 1, and were very disappointed that the event was cancelled due to poor weather. They did complete a special interest area creative badge by planning and recording a Minecraft themed video.
The entire group gathered together with parents and siblings for our end of year break up party, playing games and enjoying one last shared meal for the year.
While our weekly meetings have stopped for the year, our adult members will be running a Bunnings sausage sizzle, planning working bees to keep our equipment and document storage under control and brain-storming ideas for when we return.
Our Scout Dakota (Koko) is busy preparing for her adventure at AJ 2025 in January – 12 days of camping and adventures with hundreds of scouts from around Australia and overseas – and rehearsing for her involvement in the opening and closing performances. We wish Koko all the best with her upcoming adventure.
The start of a new year is always a good opportunity to consider Scouts for your family. Take a look at our Facebook page to see our adventures through 2024, and head to to join.