The Rotary Club of Forest Lake has partnered with the Rotary Club of Sumner Park in assisting Arya Patel, a year 11 student at Forest Lake State High School to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) at the Australian National University in January 2024.Â
Arya is looking forward to receiving information on options for tertiary study, research, career pathways, and employment opportunities for his future.

Rotary is the Founding Partner of the NYSF, and every year Rotarians continue to support the NYSF Year 12 Program by promoting the opportunity in local communities, managing applications and selections of students and assisting with funding or fund-raising for student fees to attend.Â
Rotarians also volunteer during the NYSF Year 12 Program in January. It is estimated that Rotarians contribute more than 20,000 volunteer hours to the NYSF every year.
Our host universities are The Australian National University, which has been an NYSF Year 12 Program and National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) host for many years.
The University of Queensland has also recently become a host to the NYSF Year 12 Program and NSTSS.
In addition to these main partnerships, the NYSF receives support from a range of corporate, research, and university partners that value the work of our organisation, including Lockheed-Martin Australia & New Zealand, and contribute to resourcing the gap between the fee paid by participants in the NYSF programs and the actual cost of delivering the NYSF programs.
Beyond financial support, these partnerships provide students with information, access and insights into the worlds of tertiary study, research, and the many employment opportunities and career pathways that are evolving in our rapidly changing society.
Many alumni go on to study at and work for these organisations The support from these organisations is essential to the sustainability of the NYSF and our ability to meet our mission of delivering transformative STEM experiences to young Australians.