Each month, more than 20 community groups or individual members enter their stories and updates from the Forest Lake Community. This makes up our valued group of Community Contributors. Below are our articles for the Seniors category, featuring the National Seniors, Probus Club, Centenary Evening VIEW and the 50 Plus Club.
National Seniors Forest Lake
By Peter Dunnell
We had an eventful March to April period in the National Seniors Forest Lake Branch with a trip away to Warrengarra by train and a tour of the Darling Downs region. This included a tour of the historic Glengallan Homestead and lunch and tour at the Abby of the Roses.
We had a very informative session at our April branch meeting on Aged Care and specifically Home Care with what services can be provided at various levels, from a provider called Envigor Care. The meeting had a light side to it with an Easter hat competition with some amazing creativity on display.

National Seniors Forest Lake Branch member Pam and her lovely Easter Hat.
Later in April there will be a trip to the Awassi Cheesery located in Grantham. May also promises to be a busy month of activities with visits to Wynnum op-shops and a Glitz and Glamour Party run by the ladies of the branch.

Photo taken while the group was passing through a tunnel on their way to Wallangarra.
We continue to welcome new members into the branch as it fulfils many individuals’ social needs and assists them to participate in travel interests, either through day trips or longer tours. The information sessions are targeted to assist members both financially and physically, often helping them to gain access to rebates on utilities or assistance at home at little cost if any. Join us at our monthly meetings held at the Hotel Richlands, 132 Government Road, Richlands. The meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month, entry at 9:30 am for a 10:00 am start. Hope to see you there.
Probus Club Update
By Marge Breitenbach
March has been a busy and interesting month but also tinged with some sadness.
Our member Edward (Ted) Scholefield, 99 years young passed away. A small, quiet man with a fine sense of humour. He was an institution walking around the Lake with his favourite little white dog as his companion. He was a true gentleman of the ilk that is disappearing from this world. His love and support of the Navy lasted throughout his life. He was very proud of being awarded the Légion d’honneur by the French Government for his contribution to and survival of the Normandy Landings during World War Two. May you rest in peace.

Edward (Ted) Scholefield.
At the Annual General Meeting, a new Committee was elected to steer the Probus Club for the rest of this year. The very efficient and capable executive Triumvirate of President Elaine Brandon, Secretary Val Ponting and Treasurer Kevin Ponting, were re-elected. The Committee has been expanded to allow for more distribution and support for those organising trips and activities.
The March outing was a fascinating experience to learn all about the Port of Brisbane. Edward Harwood, Community Relations Adviser, was our guide. His extensive and commanding knowledge of his subject, left us in no doubt of how fortunate Port of Brisbane is to have someone of varied knowledge making our morning so interesting and captivating. Although only the third largest port in Australia, Brisbane, is the most efficient. Some of the statistics delivered regarding agricultural exports, made us feel proud of our state and to what extent we contribute to the economy.
Foundation president Marge was a guest speaker at Centenary Probus. Her topic was Courage and Resilience.
Forest Like Fifty Plus Club
By Pat Ayling

On April 5 the club took a leisurely trip down the motorway to visit the Gold Coast Motor Museum. Stanley’s Bar & Restaurant treated us to a delicious morning tea of fresh made
scones with cream and jam, washed down with tea or coffee. The surrounding grounds were relaxing with a small selection of animals to fawn over! Like Shetland Ponies, an Alpacca, goat and a few beautiful Hens just wandering around.
The museum located adjacent to Stanley’s Bar had an amazing collection of over 80 old vehicles and memorabilia to view and reminisce of times gone by. Of special interest to some was the statue of Elvis Presley. Enough said! We had a few car enthusiasts who were in seventh heaven drooling over their favourites!
After dragging everyone away, we left for the Oxenford Tavern for lunch, where we were looked after by their lovely staff. We have it on good authority that a few members did well with their Keno and Pokey investments to top off a great day out for our members.
On April 12, the Clubs ‘Extra Activity was a morning tea at The Lion Club, Richlands. The Forest Lake Fifty Plus Club wishes to acknowledge its ongoing support from the Heritage Community Branch, Forest Lake.
The Forest Lake Fifty Plus Club meet on the third Friday of the month at The Old Inala Hall, Cr Rosemary Street and Abelia Street Inala at 10:30am. Our next meeting will be on Friday May 19, followed by June 16.
For more information on the club and its activities, please contact Leonie on 0427846057.
Centenary Evening VIEW Club
By Jan Zhang

In March members enjoyed a visit to Queen’s Park in Ipswich followed by lunch at the Queen’s Park Café.
VIEW stands for the Voice, Interests and Education of Women. VIEW is a national volunteer organisation, providing the opportunity for women from all walks of life to meet regularly, establish lasting friendships, and most importantly, to support disadvantaged children through The Smith Family charity.
A great way to learn more about VIEW is to attend our monthly dinner meetings. The next dinner meeting of the Centenary Evening VIEW Club will be held on the evening of Monday, May 8 th at the Centenary Tavern, 96 Sumner’s Road, Middle Park. Please arrive on or after 6:30 for a 7:00 p.m. start. The cost of the meal, including drinks, is $42, and bookings are essential. Please contact Rita on 0413138967 before Thursday, May 4 th if you would like to attend.
At our dinner meeting, we are pleased to welcome Vivien Wilson as our guest speaker. Vivien is a preventative health care nurse who has worked for many years with World Vision, assisting with programmes in different countries around the world. I am sure we will have much to learn from hearing about her experiences.
In addition to our monthly dinner meeting, VIEW club members get together regularly for various activities such as morning coffees, lunches, outings, movies and concerts. We’d love you to join us! Our contact details are below.
Email: centenaryeveview@gmail.com
Phone: 0419030852/0413138967
Facebook: Centenary Evening VIEW Club