Each month, more than 20 community groups or individual members enter their stories and updates from the Forest Lake Community. This makes up our valued group of Community Contributors. Below are our May 2023 articles from our Sport and Recreation category, including the Richlands-Forest Lake Scout Group, Girl Guides, Forest Lake Social Golf Club and the Forest Lake Garden Club.

By Tania McLaughlin
Ten of our youth members boarded a minibus for the 15 hour drive to Longreach at 2:00 am on April 1. After months of planning and fundraising, the time had arrived to take a bunch of city kids to the bush to get another perspective.
Over the next week, our youth members explored dinosaur remains, played games with the Longreach scouts, explored the QANTAS Founders Museum to learn about the history of aviation in Australia, galloped over the track of the historic Cobb & Co mail run, visited a working sheep station and enjoyed a traditional stockman’s lunch, cruised the Thomson River and were entertained by a bush poet while enjoying a country meal around a campfire, visited the Longreach School of Distance Education to learn how the station kids are educated, did a walking tour of Longreach, enjoyed cooling swims in the Memorial Pool, had a karaoke dance party, played board games, watched movies, and more!
On our way back we visited the historic Tree of Knowledge and Black Stump and relaxed in the Mitchell Artesian Spa.
It was a very busy week, with many memories and a few friends made.
We are so happy to have been able to arrange this once in a lifetime experience for our Scouts and very proud of the way they presented themselves in Longreach.
Well done Scouts.

Girl Guides
By Lisa Charman
We’ve had a fabulous term one and have a lot planned for term 2. We finished off the term with Lily and Leyna making their promise as Girl Guides and celebrated with cake and lollies. Congratulations and welcome girls!
We also had a fun movie night at Tamba’s house watching Luca and eating popcorn. We had a great time meeting girls and parents at the Easter Eggstravaganza fun day at the Lake. It was so nice to see so many families out and about.

This term we are starting off by going on a full day canoeing trip to Nudgee. We’re also planning a sleepover and some of our girls have been invited to attend a training morning on developing our leadership skills. We will also be attending ANZAC day again this year and as such have been undertaking different activities to earn the Salute Our Heroes badge.
We still have more to plan this term but if you’d like to come along and give Guides a go, please get in touch with us at forest.lake.girl.guides@gmail.com or call/text Tamba on 0412767708.
News from the 19th Hole
By Pat Ayling

The club’s first championship game was held at Gailes Golf Club on Sunday March 19 with 32 players lining up to take on the course. Everyone enjoyed the challenge presented by the course.
The winners on the day were:
A Grade Winner: Andrew Carter with a net 63. Runner up: Mick Morley with net 66.
B Grade Winner: Joseph White with net 72. Runner up: Jason White with net 73.
Other prize winners on the day were:
Long Drive A Grade 18 – Mick Morley with a monster drive
Long Drive B Grade 18 – Paul Weymouth
Long Drive C Grade 18 – Dani Dvornicich our beloved President!
Nearest Approach Hole 4 – Dan Parkin
Nearest Approach Hole 12 – Dan Parkin
Nearest the Pin Hole 6 – Pat Nightingale
Nearest the pin Hole 7a – Pat Ayling
Nearest the Pin Hole 12 – Joseph White
Our Bradman winner on the day was Liam Dvornicich with a respectable net 131.
Our next games will be at River Lakes on May 21 followed by Oxley on June 6.
If you play golf and are interested in joining our social club, please contact Pat on 0417 213
659 for more details on our club and hopefully you can join us at our next game.
Forest Lake Area Garden Group

Well that is Easter done and dusted and just like that a third of the year is over! At least the
humidity has gone and the nights are a bit cooler and we can finally get a good night’s sleep. Now we have Mothers Day coming up. All those mums who receive the standard pot of chrysanthemums, just remember that when they have finished flowering you can deadhead them and pop them in the garden and they will flower for you again next year. A gift that keeps on giving. Just don’t forget to water them and fertilise occasionally.
Our club members recently went on a bus trip to Samford and Dayboro with lunch at Ocean View Winery. It was a lovely sunny day and a great time was had by all. After visiting two nurseries the luggage bay under the bus was chock full. We just can’t help ourselves. That would have kept some people busy over Easter. Sadly our April speaker had to cancel at the last minute so we had a botanical quiz. Lots of hilarity and fun and it was deemed a great success.
Our guest speaker for May is Brian Ham who will be talking about growing fruit and vegetables in South-East Queensland. That should prepare us for those lovely winter soups and casseroles. Look forward to seeing you then.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month with morning tea served at 9:30 am for a 10:00 am start. The venue is the National Servicemen’s Association Hall at 907 Boundary Road, Wacol (entrance off Metroplex Place and Nashos Place). We welcome visitors who may be interested in joining our very friendly club.
For further information please contact Jill on 0403 002 143 or Pat on 0438 727 482.