By Paul Jackson – What’s Strong With You?

When it comes to addressing the challenges of living together in community, there are many ways to get stuff done. Some will move us toward a healthy, flourishing community and others away from it. I’m not primarily talking about what gets achieved here but how it gets achieved.
This monthly column draws on and aims to communicate an approach to community development called Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). ABCD focuses on the abilities and potential of individuals within a community rather than their problems or deficits by discovering, empowering and activating them to do the things they care most about.
Below is a list of attributes that either help or hinder community health and flourishing. I’m guessing that we are all guilty of acting out of the unhealthy column more often than we’d like but what two or three attributes from the healthy column could you be more intentional about bringing to your community interactions this month?
(According to Bruce Adams of the Pew Partnership for Civic Change)
Optimism | Cynicism |
Focus on unification | Focus on division |
“We’re in this together” | “Not in my backyard” |
Solving Problems | Solution wars |
Reconciliation | Hold grudges |
Consensus building | Polarisation |
Broad public interest | Narrow interests |
Interdependence | Parochialism |
Collaboration | Confrontation |
Win-Win solutions | Win-Lose solutions |
Tolerance and respect | Mean-spiritedness |
Trust | Questioning motives |
Patience | Frustration |
Politics of substance | Politics of personality |
Empowered citizens | Apathetic citizens |
Diversity | Exclusion |
Citizenship | Selfishness |
Challenge ideas | Challenge people |
Problem solvers | Blockers and blamers |
Individual responsibility | Me-first |
Listening | Attacking |
Healers | Dividers |
Community discussions | Zinger one-liners |
Focus on future | Redebate the past |
Sharing power | Hoarding power |
Renewal | Gridlock |
“We can do it” | “Nothing works” |

Photo by Ron Lach.