Luan Sejdi from Forest Lake State High School has been listed as a finalist for the “People’s Choice Award” in the 2022 Lord Mayor’s Photographic Awards with a stunning photo that captures the beauty of the lake at Forest Lake.
Luan’s photo “The Lake” was selected by the Lord Mayor and a panel of judges from hundreds of entries. The winner will be selected based on the number of community votes received.
The photo has also been displayed in the foyer on the ground level at Brisbane Square Library and is available to view in person from July 25 – August 21.

The 14-year-old photographer captured the photograph on a Sunday afternoon walk around the lake with his friends using his Samsung Galaxy A 32 5G smartphone.
“I have an eye for taking good photos,” he said.
“I took photos according to what I thought was good, including the bridge and Ibis Island. I then edited the photos on my phone and submitted them to the Lord Mayor’s photography competition.
Luan said he was proud to have been selected as a finalist for the 2022 Lord Mayor’s Photographic Awards People’s Choice award.
“The way it’s positioned in between the two trunks of the tree and it’s facing out onto the lake really captures the essence of Forest Lake and its beauty,” he said.
Luan started photography when he was 10 years old with photography teacher Fiona Bazley Hodges from Bazil Grumble.
He has entered several photo competitions in recent years and has won a few awards for his photography.
At the 2021 Ekka photography competition, Luan received 1st place for his entry in the Student Category.
In 2021, he was commended in the Australian Photography Magazine as a participant in the Junior Photographer of the Year competition with his photo entry “Wishing Well.”

In 2019, Luan was also the runner-up for the Lord Mayor’s Green Heart Photography Competition with his photograph of a tree taken in Forest Lake.
After graduating from high school, Luan plans to study a Business Degree with honours at either USQ or Griffith. He hopes to become an accountant director and will continue to pursue photography as a hobby or second career on the side.