By Marge Breitenbach
The April monthly speaker was Chris Spensley, Community Officer from Department of Fair Trading; his topic centred on “Scam Awareness”.
He related how effective as story-tellers scammers are, and how they rely on instinctive emotional reactions.
The statistics quoted about the cost to individuals was staggering. We are all vulnerable. Chris also included information on cyber safety.
At this regular club meeting we also had a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny dressed in full regalia. It was Leise F. who also distributed small parcels of goodies to each member.
What a lovely touch!
It was an enjoyable and busy month for Forest Lake Probians.
There was lunch at Chai Yo, morning coffee and then a picnic at Heathwood Park with competition included – including demonstrating skill at throwing the corn bag into a hole.
What attracted the most interest, comments and laughter was Bocce.
Teams competed to decide the final two individual winners who turned out to be Peter and Val P; Their prizes were a bottle of wine each (sorry, but the club could not afford gold medals!)
Scrumptious lunch in the form of pizzas was provided by Gallinos and the Committee supplied a selection of fruit.
On Anzac Day Probus president Elaine Brandon, as is our annual custom, laid a wreath on behalf of the club at the service at the Lake.
The first Thursday of the month is Probus lunch, and May was to the popular Lion.
We are all looking forward to our trip to Ormiston House and then lunch at Wynnum.
Probus Club is for retirees and semi-retirees and we meet on the second Tuesday of month at Richlands Hotel.