The Rotary Club of Forest Lake has partnered with the Rotary Club of Sumner Park in assisting Arya Patel, a year 11 student at Forest Lake State High School to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) at the Australian National University in January 2024. Arya is looking forward to receiving information on options for […]
Read MoreWe had our final meeting for 2023 in November and were so very fortunate to have Lieutenant Colonel Shaun Richards as our guest speaker.  His presentation was based on Remembrance Day (from Gallipoli to Afghanistan) and he shared his 35 years military career details with our members. We thanked him and his wife Patricia for […]
Read MoreRemembrance Day In the lead-up to November, the Club focussed on the Remembrance Day Commemoration, 11/11/2023. Club members were active at Forest Lake, Inala and Richlands Shopping Centres selling badges. Once again the sincerity of district residents was underlined by the generosity of the community, raising funds for veterans in need.  The Commemoration Service was […]
Read MoreOur October speaker was the ever-popular and friend of our Club, City Councillor for Forest Lake Ward Charles Strunk. He elaborated what is actually planned and happening in Forest Lake. He was plied with a plethora of questions from Probians who were keen to bring a number of problems to his attention. As usual, he […]
Read MoreHi Everyone, Christmas is almost upon us. We are having our open day on December 16. We will have a free coffee van, free sausage sizzle and drinks. We will also have items for sale, paintings, tools, games, toys, and we will be drawing the raffle for the model of the Bounty, which is now […]
Read MoreDid you know … it was only since the sixteenth century that the poinsettia flower has become symbolic with Christmas. It was cultivated by the Aztecs who used it in the production of red and purple dyes for clothing and cosmetics. In medicine the white sap was used to treat fevers. It was a young […]
Read MoreWe say it every year – but, where did the year go? They seem to be getting faster. Or are we getting busier? At least things are winding down now and, apart from a few Christmas parties, most of the organisations we belong to are in recess until February. That means that after the hectic […]
Read MoreAuthor of Love’s True Colors and Take Flight The glistening body of a dark snake slithers into the brush two paces away from where my child is playing. I bite back a yelp as I fly to my feet, whip Teddy into my arms, then make a mad dash to our sliding glass door. Heat […]
Read MoreMerry Christmas! I love this time of year! There are so many predictable things about Christmas – fruit mince pies, Mariah Carey and Michael Buble being played in every shopping centre, Christmas lights on people’s houses, and so on. And yet, as predictable as many elements of Christmas are, the first Christmas was anything but […]
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