Zero Waste Living

Image is of three plants with tools needed to create beeswax wraps (paintbrush, grater and fabric pieces).

How to become more sustainable in your shopping habits

The Lake News April 30, 2020 2 min read 0

by Lily Friis “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do” – Edward Everett Hale There are a few approaches that can be taken when trying to consume less and in…

Image is of zero waste items such as metal pegs, kitchen scrubbers, toothbrushes and metal straws.

Extra zero waste swaps to help you continue living sustainably

The Lake News April 30, 2020 4 min read 0

by Lily Friis “The zero waste lifestyle is about reducing your waste within the context of your budget, your circumstances, and your lifestyle goals. And that’s okay.” – The Zero Waste Collective These swaps involve a little bit more research and effort to find. But you may not even realise that there are sustainable alternatives…

Image is of green fern with zero waste items including bamboo straw, deodorant, soap and metal razor.

Simple swaps to kickstart your zero waste lifestyle

The Lake News April 30, 2020 1 min read 0

by Lily Friis “Even small changes have a bigger impact than you’d realise. Focus on reducing your waste – don’t worry about eliminating it. With practice, everything will fall into place in time.” There are many super simple swaps you can make from your everyday items to a more eco-friendly option. Some easy ones are…