by Lily Friis
“Even small changes have a bigger impact than you’d realise. Focus on reducing your waste – don’t worry about eliminating it. With practice, everything will fall into place in time.”
There are many super simple swaps you can make from your everyday items to a more eco-friendly option. Some easy ones are listed below:
- Plastic toothbrush to Bamboo toothbrush
- Plastic straw to Metal or sugar cane straw
- Plastic bottle to Metal or re-usable bottle
- Plastic produce bags to re-usable mesh/fabric produce bags
- Disposable razor to Re-usable safety razor
- Regular shampoo and conditioner to shampoo and conditioner bars
- Bottled soap to soap bars
- Cling wrap to beeswax wraps
- Plastic cutlery to re-usable/bamboo set of cutlery
- Coffee cup to re-usable mug (KeepCup, FrankGreen etc)
- Plastic hairbrush or comb to a bamboo or wood alternative
- Make-up wipes to re-usable/fabric wipes
- Plastic pegs to wooden or metal pegs