Home » Councillor Charles Strunk – International women’s Day and Anzac Day

Councillor Charles Strunk – International women’s Day and Anzac Day

Jamie Furness    March 25, 2023    3 min read   

I can’t believe we’re already into April. I feel it’s so important that we appreciate the good times and work collectively through the tough times. I hope you have come through the recent weather events okay. My office was working hard to report all the potholes, fallen tree branches, grass related jobs and more these past few weeks. Please thank my ward office staff who have organised more severe weather packs for residents that would like one. They are free and available, just pop into the ward office for one. 

International Women’s Day – Forest Lake Ward annual event at Simple Bliss Cafe

#EmbraceEquity. #EmpowerHerVoice #SecureHerFuture. 

Thank you to all the women and men that attended the International Womens

Day on 10 March 2023 – a Forest Lake Ward event that I hosted alongside Simple Bliss café during Women’s week in Forest Lake. I was in awe of the incredible panel of women that spoke about their experiences and call to actions. These incredible local women live and/or contribute so much to our community and businesses within the Forest Lake Ward. 

The panel included Shirley Wienand, Linh Nguyen, Belinda Cox, Terri Hill, Joyce Taylor, Haley Kiata, MC Nayda Hernandez, and Kylie Gates, who opened and undertook the vote of thanks. These women live such extraordinary lives and have devoted their time and careers to reducing inequality and increasing opportunities for others. They are our changemakers that live locally, and their journeys have shaped them to support other good women and men and are doing the work needed to pave the way for equity and equality for women and young girls to ensure this generation and the next generation continue to fight for a gender equal world. They all believe, like I do, that individually and together we can shape the future for the better by staying positive, speaking up, and supporting each other. I am so proud of all of you! Special thank you to Simple Bliss for co-hosting and supporting this event as well. Wishing all women and girls a happy International Women’s Day, today and every day.

Forest Lake Lions and Lions Club of Inala Anzac Day ceremony

Anzac Day is a significant day for many, and especially for the people of Forest Lake Ward. I look forward to seeing the many thousands of locals showing their respect for servicemen, servicewomen, and service animals this Anzac Day. For more information about the Forest Lake and Districts RSL Sub-Branch Anzac Day march and Lions Club of Inala ceremony, please email their Secretary Sharon Ford at secretary@forestlak.rslqld.net.au, and for more information about the Lions Club of Inala march and ceremony please email Lion John at inalalionsclubinc@gmail.com.

Finally, April is also a special time for many members of our community as they gather to celebrate Easter, Vaisakhi and Ramadan. I’m really looking forward to seeing many families at the Easter Extravaganza. This year, I’m delighted to attend, sponsor, and have a stall on the day. Be sure to pop in to say G‘day. If there’s anything I can do or my staff (Pam or Nayda) on these or any other council matters, please contact my office at forestlake.ward@bcc.qld.gov.au or on 34071211. I look forward to seeing you when I’m out and about in our community.

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Jamie Furness