Forest Lake locals have been graced by the arrival of fairies in the suburb, who are providing friendship and encouragement to their new human friends via the letters left in their tree.
3-year-old Remi Lu oversaw the construction of an enchanted tree, which allows those who find it to speak directly with the resident fairies.

Remi is an avid reader with a big imagination who loves to meet new people, his mum Malindri Lu said.
“We have been reading Julia Donaldson books every night and it’s grown in him a true love for rhymes and reading…He asked me if we can build a fairy house to see if fairies will move in.

“He also loves maps, so this combined everything he loves. He has a real passion for meeting new people young and old. He is thrilled when someone finds the tree, and sometimes shouts, “you’ve completed your quest!”,” she said.
To help in the hunt for the enchanted tree, adventurers have been supplied a riddle-rhyme:
“It’s not in the land of Autumn, Winter or Spring.
Has no U and only one M.
Close to a Homestead with a swing.
Not quite four,
About point five more”
At night, Malindri and Remi collect all the letters left in the 4 ½ letterbox.The fairies are still practising their human words and spelling, so Malindri helps them write their replies.
The fairies have managed to provide comfort and advice to Forest Lake residents looking to talk to someone, and get to know them by asking questions in response.
“The fairies receive letters from seniors who tell the fairies they are feeling lonely. They ask the seniors about childhood friends, their favourite experiences in life, their favourite decade and why it was great, about things that were hard and things that were surprising,” Malindri said.
Many children and families also write to the fairies about their experiences at school and at home.
“The fairies receive piles of letters from children every day who are curious about their own world and the fairy world. They are nervous about starting school, making friends, and the most popular request of wishes is for bravery.
“They (the fairies) gift magic gems to humans in their letters. One of my personal favourite letters was from a child who told the fairies that she was sad, as she had no friends.
“Three letters later, she was writing to the fairies about how she made new friends by talking to other children about the fairies, and showing them the magical letters the fairies wrote to her. She thanks the fairies often.
“The fairies receive letters from mums who feel exhausted and need a reminder that their best is enough. They receive letters from teachers requesting letters for their class. The fairies happily oblige.
“We are so thrilled that the fairies moved into the enchanted tree in the front yard,” she said.

To keep up with the goings-on of the fairies, follow them on Instagram at fairies_of_the_enchanted_tree, or find it yourself using the riddle-rhyme.