Home » Family Focus APRIL

Family Focus APRIL

Mark Mackay    April 9, 2024    2 min read   

One of the most common sources of stress I hear from families now is ‘cost of living pressures.’  Whenever I hear that phrase, it sounds so innocuous and sterile but these pressures are real. 

I was talking to a friend recently who said, “My wife and I are working just as hard as we always have.  We’re not living exorbitantly.  But we are just going backwards financially.  Just when I think we’re going to get ahead, an unexpected cost comes up and we go backwards again.”  That sentiment is not isolated.

How do we respond to these pressures?  

On the one hand, there is a practical step we can all take that is obvious: budget well. It has been noted that less than 50% of Australian adults have ever done a budget for any purpose (business, household, club, etc).  That can be ok when finances are good.  But it becomes a particular problem when finances are tight.  So, if you don’t have a family household budget, take the steps to create one.  You can do that through organisations like CAP (Christians Against Poverty).

However, there is another step we can take: be part of the community.  Stress tends to isolate us and financial stress is no different.  For me, my community is my Church and my friends.  These are people with whom I can do life, relax together, de-stress together, get my perspective corrected together, and support one another together.  Community matters.  That’s why it is written in the Bible, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17)

As you navigate these challenging financial times, my prayer for you and your family is that you may be part of a great village where you can experience true community.

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Mark Mackay