This year, Easter is celebrated at the beginning of April. While Christmas is probably the biggest, most-widely celebrated Christian festival, Easter is arguably the most significant. At Easter, we celebrate the greatest act of sacrificial love in history: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In a society that is becoming increasingly atomised and narcissistic, this extraordinary act stands out as a beacon of hope for the World. Even for those who don’t share the Christian faith, it’s also still a great example of how to buck the trend of society and serve others.
We may not be called upon to do some great act of life-giving service but, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” We can all just reach out to a neighbour, a friend, a colleague and check in with them.
Perhaps it’s offering a meal to someone. Perhaps it’s inviting someone on their own for a coffee. Sometimes, simply reaching out to someone with a kind word can be enormously powerful.
Let me encourage you to consider two things: – If you’ve never really thought about the amazing Easter message, connect with one of the local churches this Easter and discover the life-giving message of Jesus; – think about one step you can take as a family this Easter to show kindness to someone else. Do it as a family and perhaps start a new tradition this Easter of doing something extraordinary for someone else.
As Christ approached the first Easter weekend, He said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) In a world consumed by consuming, kindness and love stand out for all to see.
On behalf of my family and our Church, God bless you and yours this Easter.

By Mark Mackay