Each year, on the last Sunday of November, our Church celebrates “Foster Care Sunday,” when we celebrate those who open their homes and lives to children in Foster Care.
Two things strike me each year on Foster Care Sunday.
The first thing that stands out is the way foster carers don’t see anything particularly amazing or remarkable in what they do. They just get on and do it. But, that’s what makes them so remarkable.
In the ordinary, everyday decisions of their homes, they decide to be generous and vulnerable. In the words of one carer, “There is a need and I have the capacity to meet some of the need. Why wouldn’t I do it?”
The second thing that stands out is the incredible need. On any given night, there is an extraordinary number of children in need of a place to sleep. These children have done nothing to deserve the situation in which they find themselves – they aren’t guilty of anything.

But, as much as the foster carers do, we need more people to open their homes – to have our lives interrupted and be vulnerable
Jesus, Himself, was one who was interruptible and vulnerable. His whole ministry and, indeed, His willingness to go to the Cross show a vulnerability and interruptibility that confronts our modern society.
It’s one thing to be generous when it doesn’t cost us much. It’s another thing to be generous in a way that is truly self-sacrificial.
If you are or have been a foster carer or would like to know more, you’re more than welcome to come to one of our services (8:30 am and 10:15 am) on November 26.