By Pat Parlane

Well that is Easter done and dusted and just like that a third of the year is over!
At least the humidity has gone and the nights are a bit cooler and we can finally get a good night’s sleep.
Now we have Mothers Day coming up.
All those mums who receive the standard pot of chrysanthemums, just remember that when they have finished flowering you can deadhead them and pop them in the garden and they will flower for you again next year – a gift that keeps on giving.
Just don’t forget to water them and fertilise occasionally.
Our club members recently went on a bus trip to Samford and Dayboro with lunch at Ocean View Winery.
It was a lovely sunny day and a great time was had by all.
After visiting two nurseries the luggage bay under the bus was chock full. We just can’t help ourselves.
That would have kept some people busy over Easter.
Sadly our April speaker had to cancel at the last minute so we had a botanical quiz.
Lots of hilarity and fun and it was deemed a great success.
Our guest speaker for May is Brian Ham who will be talking about growing fruit and vegetables in South-East Queensland.
That should prepare us for those lovely winter soups and casseroles.
Look forward to seeing you then.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month with morning tea served at 9.30 am for a 10.00 am start.
The venue is the National Servicemen’s Association Hall at 907 Boundary Road, Wacol (entrance off Metroplex Place and Nashos Place).
We welcome visitors who may be interested in joining our very friendly club.
For further information please contact Jill on 0403 002 143 or Pat on 0438 727 482.