Happy St Patricks Day to all the Irish, and those who just enjoy the green beer and the parade.
The next meeting of the garden club is Tuesday March 5 and the speaker will be Greg Aizlewood talking about bromeliads. For those who need more and the opportunity to buy, the Bromeliad Society is having their show on Saturday March 16 and Sunday March 17 at the Belmont Shooting Centre. There will also be tropical plants, succulents, aroids, hoyas and much more. Always a good opportunity to spend money.
Now that autumn is here we can, hopefully, look forward to cooler nights and perhaps a bit less humidity, even though the daytime temperatures will still be high. It would be nice also if the rain stopped. We have had enough – all the trees that I cut back last year have doubled in size and I feel like I am living in a jungle.
Easter is coming up at the end of the month and who doesn’t like the smell of hot cross buns – not so good for the waistline but it is hard to resist temptation. Of course, some of you have been partaking since Boxing Day but I am a traditionalist and save them for Good Friday. You have to have something to look forward to.
Happy gardening.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month with morning tea served at 9.30 am for a 10:00 am start. The venue is the National Servicemen’s Association Hall at 907 Boundary Road, Wacol (entrance off Metroplex Place and Nashos Place). We welcome visitors who
may be interested in joining our very friendly club.
For further information please contact Jill on 0403 002 143 or Pat on 0438 727 482.