The Heritage Bank Slideshow Award for May was shared by Norman Dean for his black and white photo of a hippo called “I can see you” and John Blackburn for his photo of a lily called “Snowflake Lily”. Congratulations to both of you!
Every month, club members submit photos for a slideshow and then during the following month they vote for three of their favourites.
As a prize, Norman and John will receive an A3+ print of their photos, produced on the club’s printer purchased a few years ago with a very generous grant from the Forest Lake Heritage Bank.
Members are able to have their photos printed for the cost of the paper which can be as little as $2 for an A3 print.

The club meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm at the Forest Lake Community Hall and visitors are most welcome.
The AGM was held at the June meeting and a new committee was voted in by the club.
In July, the committee has organised for a talk by Cultural Photographer, JP Stones.
It is entitled “Storytelling for Photographers” and will be held via Zoom since he is currently working in Mexico and has spent the last 5 years photographing a small group of Azteca dancers something to look forward to for sure.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the club, see our website