Home » Forest Lake Photography Club APRIL

Forest Lake Photography Club APRIL

Steven Roberts    April 10, 2024    2 min read   

A round of applause for Stan Chrenkoff, the December champion of the Heritage Bank Slideshow Award! Stan’s mesmerising macro shot of a flower has us all swooning over the intricate details of nature’s beauty.

Stan unveils the star of his winning photo—a fast-growing plant known as the Cup of Gold or Hawaiian Lily, originally hailing from Mexico. With a whopping 20 to 25cm diameter, these blossoms are not to be underestimated! Stan’s garden, a labour of love for nearly 30 years, serves as a botanical oasis boasting over 68 species of plants. It’s a testament to his green thumb and his dedication to nurturing nature’s wonders.

Retired from his architectural career for 12 years, Stan now finds solace in a simpler life, tending to his beloved garden and caring for his wife, Anna. But his passion for photography traces back to his childhood in Poland, where his father initiated him into the magic of capturing moments in a darkroom. Armed with an Agfa-Prontor 2 camera, Stan embarked on a lifelong journey through the lens, evolving from black-and-white prints to the vibrant snapshots of today.

As the winner of the Heritage Bank Slideshow Award, Stan’s prize includes an A3+ print of his winning photo, courtesy of the club’s printer funded by the Forest Lake Heritage Bank. It’s a tangible token of recognition for Stan’s artistry, ready to adorn his walls with the splendour of nature’s marvels.

The Forest Lake Photography Club, a bustling hub of creativity and camaraderie, meets monthly on the second Tuesday (except January) at 7:15 pm at the Forest Lake Community Hall. Visitors are always welcomed warmly, invited to immerse themselves in the world of pixels and passion.

Last month, club members ventured into the city to capture the mesmerising play of light and shadow in urban reflections—a visual feast eagerly anticipated for the upcoming slideshow.

For those curious to learn more about the Forest Lake Photography Club, the digital gateway awaits at forestlakephotographyclub.com. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or an aspiring enthusiast, this club is where shutterbugs unite to celebrate the magic of photography.

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Steven Roberts