The club’s last trip was a visit to the Tamborine Coffee Plantation on Tamborine Mountain. Our bus departed Forest Lake and took a scenic route via Beaudesert and Tamborine village to arrive at the Coffee Plantation in time for a lovely morning tea and tour of the facilities. Our large group was split into two smaller groups, with one group doing the tour with Bernie while the other group were treated to scones with cream and jam and a coffee of their choice.

The tour consisted of a talk from Bernie about the history and origins of coffee, explaining how the ‘cherries’ are harvested, and the beans separated, dried and roasted to end up with the finished product. We were all surprised to hear that the roasting time for the beans was only 13 minutes!
The Tamborine Coffee Plantation only has 600 trees and produces only enough coffee beans to supply their own shop and a few private buyers. This was a fabulous experience for our members who all learned a lot more about coffee growing and production to the finished brew we all love.
After our tour, we headed into town for a wander through Gallery Walk, pick up a delicious
lunch and a few essential knick-knacks from the local shops.
The Clubs ‘Extra Activity’ on the second Wednesday of the month was a lunch at the Centenary Tavern, Sumner. Thank you to everyone who attended to make this another enjoyable get-together.
The Forest Lake Fifty Plus Club wishes to acknowledge its ongoing support from the Heritage Community Branch, Forest Lake.
The Forest Lake Fifty Plus Club meets on the third Friday of the month at The Old Inala Hall, Cr Rosemary St and Abelia St, Inala at 10:30 am. The Club’s next meeting will be on Friday 17 November.
For more information on the Club and its activities, please contact Leonie (President) on 0427846057. To register your interest, email New members and visitors are always welcome.