All our girls would like to wish our community a very Merry Christmas. It has been a wonderful year full of new experiences for our girls.
We finished off 2023 with indoor rock climbing which was great fun. Of course food was involved as our girls love their food.
As always we, as leaders, are incredibly proud of how our girls get involved and eagerly await weekly activities.
Our Girl Guides have continued to learn first aid, develop leadership skills and teamwork, earn badges, participate in community events and learn how to be active in service.
We welcomed a few new girls this year and watched as some of our younger girls matured into more senior Guides.
It’s always wonderful to see these girls shine as they help out newer girls and show them the ropes.
We are very much looking forward to 2024 and a huge state camp in October. We will be working toward fundraising to help with costs.
Watch out for us returning in 2024. We would love to see even more girls aged over 5 come join in the fun! Contact us at