Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you to all the residents that stopped to have a chat while buying one of our delicious Lions cakes. We cannot thank the community enough for all the support we have received in 2023. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Paul, Jamie, Tracey, and the team at the Lake News Publications for letting residents know we are here always ready to help.

November was a busy month for all our members. Lions Les and Tao haven’t stopped selling Lions Christmas Cakes around Inala and Richlands. This is a wonderful way we raise money to help support residents at a grassroots level. If you would like one, please get in touch with Lions Les on 0418989113.
President Lion Bob Richards MID, CG, MICDA Lion and VP Bill Marklew OAM were in Canberra with their dogs representing the club at the Australian War Memorial Remembrance Day ceremony in Canberra. In addition, they were there also as founders of Paws for Hope and Understanding with Hannah Richards, who is the senior trainer. In this visit, they met the Governor General Hon. David Hurley and delightful wife.Â
We would also like to acknowledge our youngest volunteer Lion Xavier that walked the 20KM Gold Coast Challenge with his St John’s Anglican College school teammates on Remembrance Day to raise funds for Legacy. We are excited that we have started planning for next year’s ANZAC Day ceremony and looking forward to seeing lots of residents. In the meantime, if you know someone that needs support, please email